3 tips on effective team perfomance

Nothando Dlamini
2 min readAug 23, 2021

Hacks that have worked for me and my team

Every network marketer dreams of having a team that is working so that everyone is earning every month,right? But its quite difficult if some of your partners are struggling to earn because they end up quitting. To get partners that are going to work on their businesses,click https://link.medium.com/efx2nVtRMib

Effective team work is essential though. Here are 3 tips on how to get your team working.

Tip 1

As a leader,you need to be human first when sponsoring. So it is important to call your team just to check up on them because sometimes you may find that they are having serious personal challenges. Its important since they are now part of your family.

Tip 2

Team training and support is crucial. At times you would think that you are talking to yourself yet everyone else is on board. Continue with training your team on everything that you think they need in order to grow themselves and their businesses.

Tip 3

How do you feel when you do something good and you are not recognised by your immediate supervisor? Demotivated. This is exactly what happens even with your team. Although,most NM recognise its members as per compensation plan but its paramount that as their closest leader you recognise their work. It make you feel good and gives you the fire to push. So a little incentive goes a very long way. It can literally be anything but make sure you do not break your own budget. I do it monthly for those who push themselves.

I hope this helps. Do you have any hacks that you think has an impact in your team perfomance? Share

